
Take A Look At Apprenticeships

The idea of further education to some young people is like a holy grail, seeing university as the goal through which school is a pathway. To some, it is simply a natural progression of education, the very reason for going to school in the first place.

The thirst for knowledge, or perhaps a longing to get away from home, a part of growing up and showing independence all come these days with a hefty price tag.

Loans for education, accommodation, and living allowances, will, in most circumstances have to be repaid, meaning that post graduates leave university with debts that can be in the region of £40.000. Serious stuff.

There are, in contrast, those who feel that academic life has no further interest for them. It could be important to start earning a wage as soon as possible, or a desire to get out into the world around them.

These young people have opportunities today with apprenticeships that cross a broader scope of futures than ever before. Apprenticeships have the beauty of allowing young people, and not just school leavers, the opportunity to earn while they learn.

As a school leaver, you may have an idea, or determination of which path you want to follow, and an apprenticeship can be an ideal way of getting yourself through the doors, straight from leaving school.

The type of career opportunities to enter as an apprentice have never been more diverse, there certainly is a thriving traditional sector, of mechanics, electrics, plumbing etc. but the scope of frameworks now cover areas such as accountancy and law. IT, aircraft engineering, beauty or media, and many, many more.

Working in your place of learning, or learning in your place of work, it’s all the same, and you will also, as part of your training, receive a series of sessions in a class room type environment. These take place either as perhaps one day per week, or “day release”, or be concentrated in a single block.

This will be carried out at a local college or at private specialised training premises.

There are three basic levels of apprenticeships, each built on a core framework of abilities and qualifications. The first is the intermediate level, which, when completed will give a nationally recognised qualification, the equivalent of 5 good GCSE passes, and can allow you, if you wish, to go on to an Advanced level apprenticeship.

The completion of this will give you the same qualification level as having two A levels. A Higher apprenticeship is for those seeking a higher rung in their career, and can lead to a foundation level degree or parallel Diploma or HNC.